Publicaciones en las cuales se emplean algunos de los productos comercializados por MicruX, incluyendo dispositivos microfluídicos, sensores electroquímicos e instrumentación analítica portátil. En estas publicaciones se recogen diferentes aplicaciones y metodologías que pueden ser interesantes para saber más sobre las posibilidades ofrecidas por los productos de MicruX.
En el caso de que tenga alguna publicación y/o comunicación en la que utilice alguno de los productos de MicruX y que no se encuentre en esta lista, puede contactar con nosotros en el mail, para incorporar su publicación al listado.
Weiyuan Du, David Ohayon, Craig Combe, Lorene Mottier, Iuliana P. Maria, Raja S. Ashraf, Hubert Fiumelli, Sahika Inal, Iain McCulloch. "Improving the Compatibility of Diketopyrrolopyrrole Semiconducting Polymers for Biological Interfacing by Lysine Attachment". Chem. Mater. 2018, 30, 6164−6172
:: Tag: electrochemical sensors
Ahmad S. Barham, Sultan Akhtar, Mohammed I. Alkhatab, Sameer Y. Jaradat, Brendan M. Kennedy, Basma El Zein. "Fabrication of microelectrode ensembles on thin-film single electrodes: The degradation of electropolymerized benzene-1,3-diol films in caustic solutions". Materials Express, 2018, 8(4), 305.
:: Tag: sensores electroquímicos
A. Abellán-Llobregat, L. Vidal, R. Rodríguez-Amaro, A. Canals, E. Morallón. "Evaluation of herringbone carbon nanotubes-modified electrodes for the simultaneous determination of ascorbic acid and uric acid". Electrochimica Acta, 2018, 285, 284-291
:: Tag: sensores electroquímicos
Nileththi Yasendra Jayanath, Loc Thai Nguyen, Thu Thi Vu, Lam Dai Tran. "Development of a portable electrochemical loop mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) device for detection of hepatitis B virus". RSC Adv., 2018, 8, 34954
Thomas Herl, Nicole Heigl, Frank-Michael Matysik. "Development of a miniaturized injection cell for online electrochemistry–capillary electrophoresis–mass spectrometry". Monatshefte für Chemie - Chemical Monthly, 2018, 149, 1685–1691.
:: Tag: sensores electroquímicos
Mahdi Samadi Khoshkhoo, Yvonne Joseph, Santanu Maiti, Frank Schreiber, Thomas Chassé, Marcus Scheele. "Tunable Charge Transport in Hybrid Superlattices of Indium Tin Oxide Nanocrystals and Metal Phthalocyanines—Toward Sensing Applications". Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2018, 5(9), 1701623.
:: Tag: sensores electroquímicos
Ajeet Kaushik, Adriana Yndart, Sanjeev Kumar, Rahul Dev Jayant, Arti Vashist, Ashley N. Brown, Chen-Zhong, Madhavan Nair. "A sensitive electrochemical immunosensor for label-free detection of Zika-virus protein". Scientific Reports, 2018, 8, 9700.
:: Tag: sensores electroquímicos
Vidmantas Jašinskas, Florian Oberndorfer, Vidas Pakštas, Tobias Hertel, Vidmantas Gulbinas. "Direct Tracking of Ultrafast Carrier Motion Dynamics in Semiconducting Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes". J. Phys. Chem. C, 2018, 122 (28), 16424–16430.
:: Tag: sensores electroquímicos
Johannes Wandt, Junqiao Lee, Damien W.M. Arrigan, Debbie S. Silvester. "A lithium iron phosphate reference electrode for ionic liquid electrolytes". Electrochemistry Communications, 2018, 93, 148-151.
:: Tag: sensores electroquímicos
Teresa Berninger, Christina Bliem, Esteban Piccinini, Omar Azzaroni, Wolfgang Knoll. "Cascading reaction of arginase and urease on a graphene-based FET for ultrasensitive, real-time detection of arginine". Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2018, 115, 104-110.
Mikkel U.-B. Christiansen, Nedjeljko Seselj, Christian Engelbrekt, Michal Wagner, Frederick N. Stappen, Jingdong Zhang. "Chemically Controlled Interfacial Nanoparticle Assembly into Nanoporous Gold Films for Electrochemical Applications". J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018, 6, 556-564.
:: Tag: sensores electroquímicos
Mirelis Santos-Cancel, Robert Alexander Lazenby, Ryan J. White. "Rapid Two-Millisecond Interrogation of Electrochemical, Aptamer-Based Sensor Response using Intermittent Pulse Amperometry On line". ACS Sensors, 2018, 3 (6), 1203 – 1209.
:: Tag: electrochemical sensors